Area of responsibility expanded

Jan 06, 2020

Dirk Köpsel takes helm of Marketing and Sales Western Europe

Effective January 1, 2020, Dirk Köpsel will start serving as Head of Marketing and Sales Western Europe for the abrasives manufacturer Klingspor AG. In this capacity, he will become the partial successor to Olaf ter Jung, who was appointed to join Klingspor's board of executives effective July 1, 2019.

Dirk Koepsel

Dirk Köpsel is a familiar face in the industry. He began his career as a trainee at Würth after he finished his studies with a degree in Business Administration. He needed only a short time to be rewarded with a district manager position in the construction division. He later served for nearly 13 years in leading positions at the sales department of the fischer group of companies, which gave him the opportunity to add to his knowledge of the industry and make a lasting mark on the national market.

Since early 2016 Köpsel has been working at Klingspor in the capacity of sales director. The goal he has set for himself in this role is to move Klingspor and their specialist dealers even closer to the marketplace: “My role also lets me channel the interests and concerns of the market into the company. Together we must strive to be close to the market, know what our customers want and offer them the best solutions possible.”


From Germany to Europe

He intends to use his added responsibility as Head of Marketing and Sales Western Europe to give an additional boost to the effectiveness of Klingspor's marketing and sales activities. One example of this endeavour is the drive to tighten the cooperation and to intensify the coordination between the European subsidiaries. “The topics that currently top the agenda at Klingspor are e-commerce and brand awareness”, explains Köpsel. “A close exchange between our international subsidiaries in Western Europe helps as achieve these ambitious goals more rapidly!”